won't give up

1/28/2013 10:48:00 AM


Assalamualaikum and greetings to all.

So here, I'm on my journey to finish my foundation years. Yes, towards the final semester before I can present myself as a mahasiswi in UIAM Kuantan. A bit off due to long term holiday but I'll charge my brain in no time inshaAllah. Currently, still in holiday mode.

Guess I'm a bit (a lot actually) worry to go on this final semester. Not to mention there are some programs need to be handled. I pray that it will go on smoothly, inshaAllah. What's next...MUET. Oh God, my English.  I mean come on.. I am not ready to play with words that I've never used for such a long...long time. Except my broken English, with a weird accent and most probably will take some time just to build a few sentences. I mean come on, I have like only three weeks before my speaking test. How on earth I can improve my vocabs and all in just three weeks? I must not speak in Malay, I suppose.

MEST just ended yesterday, and it was hectic throughout the week. Going up and down the stairs (oh, I mean by elevator) almost killed me. It's not that I played for any sports, just one of the committee members and forgive me that I whined too much sometimes. Sorry. I was jealous to see others went home and here I was all by myself. Alone in my small room, and proudly spent most of the time watching movies and dramas. Alone. Well, being a lone ranger was not that bad. Oh my roommates, please come back soon!

Gearing up for this semester, learning Bio and Chem and Computer and English for Writing and so on. Too much to handle. If I'm going to be like this, I'm not sure what's going to happen when I admit to the main campus. T.T Dentistry students will have to deal with lots of thick books. I should keep that in mind. Just to gain some motivations. Oh.. Nice knowing Mr. Campbell and Mr. Silberberg. Be nice with me, will you?

PMG is around the corner, and I haven't make up my mind whether to join it or not. I should organize my brain first and I'll decide later. Oh, PMG stands for Perkampungan Menara Gading. School leavers are advised to go to this program. I gained a lot of new knowledge during my time. So, there's nothing to lose.
Go, and have fun! Really.
This was my review about the program. Feel free to read it :)

I guess I have to get back on the track, and start to study as well. Need to maintain my CGPA and strive hard for scholarship. Pray for me :)

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  1. Alhamdulillah..you've been doing well. and the English was superb. Not bad at all. Lets strive hard for this semester, even we're definitely studying different syllabus, its not that matter, right? Amin. =)

    1. Definitely, and now I'm reading NST when I don't read newspaper at all. The power of MUET.


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