
12/15/2013 04:54:00 PM


Assalamualaikum and salam ukhuwah.

Falling in love? (let's just keep that aside, I never really have any interest on talking about love. blablabla)
Even though I kept watching all sorts of romantic drama, but I found it waaaaaay too cheesy tbh. But keep watching them anyway.. heho.


Emotions keep strangling me these past few days.

Emotional here emotional there. Emotional everywhere~ \

OMG   ∑(;°Ð”°)   Did I just became the old me? No, the old me was no good, mood swing every night and day. Meh~

and I know that you're not going to find any amusement about it. So just know me for who I am right now. Past is never a matter, but the lesson will always be.

I knew the causes for my gloomy days, and I totally blame myself for letting those 'causes'  to bug my head.

First, I couldn't send my parents to KLIA. Well, I know umrah is only for a few weeks, but still.. The feeling when your parents are not around in your hometown is not that great at all. I was too pampered you say? Duh~ Who doesn't? *roll eyes* < I was pampered in a good way, fyi >

Another thing was that our role play which we still not having any clue on when it will be, the exact date and time. Knowing that to drown in worries for such thing won't get you anywhere when we have tonnes of other things to be worried about. Or maybe we don't have any? I don't even know what am I doing right now, or even what I'm feeling right now. I just can pray that everything will be smooth without any hindrance.

And I didn't study. Yeah, I know you guys can guess this one right but yeay me..~ I did promise to study and do revision and ask people around if I don't get about the subject, blablabla. Aimi, you're such a pathetic person (play pathetique as music background). I mean come on... there's no time to fool around making unnecessary things, wondering like someone who doesn't have anything to do 'cause you know you got a lot of stuff to work on. *sigh* I seriously don't get myself at times.

Know that one more thing, I'm struggling inside here *point at my heart*. I'm trying to figure out what kind of a person that I would like myself to be in the future. I tried to speak less, and listen more so I could learn a lot from my surroundings. I don't want to be too absorbed in my own world, abandoning those besides me. Those people that I already included as a part of my life, as a part of my journey in this world. I'll have to try harder, I guess. Don't be freaked out if you notice me a bit different than usual. I'm doing a self reflection (maybe) or it just that I don't know how to be me. *sobbing*

Practicing silence as an art. Ganbatte!

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  1. We're in the same boat babe <3 keep on rowing, one at a time ;)


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