That kind of girl

5/05/2014 09:00:00 PM

That kind of girl
Who appear strong and confident in front of the others
But deep inside
A nature as a girl
A human being
Hiding weakness at all cost
As not to appear vulnerable

That kind of girl
Who let emotions invade her mind and soul
When she’s happy, she’s happy
But when she’s sad
She tries so hard to hide them
But at times she fails to do so
And that’s why at time she’ll keep being silent
A silent treatment
Towards the others
So that they know they did something wrong
And for herself
So she can think of what to do and what not

That kind of girl
Who misses her parents while being away from home
Who cry over when her brothers are taken
Who try to wash her brain almost everyday
Just to convince herself that she’s not alone
Because she knows she has God
Although everyone’s going to leave her
She’s assured that He’s going to stay by her side

That kind of a girl
Who admires a person that doesn’t even exist in her world
Believing in fantasies so she could run away from realities
Who tries so hard not to fall in love with any man
But a man that everyone should love
That everyone should admire
That everyone should follow his sunnah
She’s still in the phase of knowing him
Sooner or later
Hoping that she’ll love him as much as he loves his people

That girl
She knows she’s not perfect
And knows that she is lacking in many things
So she just pray that she won’t bring harm to anyone
And asks for forgiveness if she did hurt anybody
As she was hurt too
But she knows that this world is a test
For her and for everyone else
And when the time comes
She prays that she’s going to meet every person
That ever exists in her world
In jannah

Written by;
That girl

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  1. I feel you...I wanna be somewhere entirely alone at times...

    1. Kan... but isolating without reflecting and getting closer to Allah will make things worse. That's why aku selalu complaint kat kau. haha. sorry you have to bear having a friend like me T^T


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