been busy?

6/10/2012 10:20:00 AM


Assalamualaikum wrh and salam ukhuwah to all.

First of all, this entry will be in English. Fully, I hope so (somehow, I'll mix up the words, my bad). 

Since we're going to have another week as our precious vacation, I'll try my best not to waste my time. (Already wasted  a month, shaiks~) 

I'm working on a module for a program that we're going to hold in SMK Raja Muda Musa (my old school though). And of course, we're going to attract people to join jemaah on Malam Tautan which will be at 19th June 2012. I just remembered, my dad's birthday is on that weekend (which we will have a retreat, omo~) Mianhe dad, I always heart you no matter what.

I'm not going to complain. Not saying that I am the busiest people in this whole world, NO. But, I heard that pointer that has to be set as a goal for medical sciences students is 3.9 not 3.5. Omo~ what should I do if it is true? How to reach that 3.9 if 3.5 I was like almost explode?

Chill Aimi, chill~ Study always come first, but da'wah is not the second thing to put on your list. Gerak secara selari. Directly proportional. Yep, I have to find a way to balance both of them. Coz in my mind right now, this is the only chance. I'm not sure how my fate will turn out to be when I enter the main campus in Kuantan. Maybe I can't fight along pepias anymore. But still, da'wah is something that I need to do. I have to.

Basically, I just want to ramble about my off days. Sorry for the inconvenience, if you read this post. Asifah ne~ I'm just trying to see how my English after a year without English class. Conclusion, it's really really bad. Really. I have to take some time to figure out the words. Including the words "figure out". Oh My English in great danger! Devastated~ I need to improve.

Aisyah Munirah, can we have a chat in English? Haha. XD

Dah tak biasa bermonolog in english. Berkarat otak ni~

First time makan kat 'Market Ikan Manhattan' ( Anwar Hadi punya term, daebak! )

I asked my dad "What is that egg doing in here?" Nama pun market ikan kan? XD

First time dining in the manhattan fish market, 'kabut nak pilih mana satu nak makan' 

English breakfast turned out to be Lipton tea. Mampu gelak je~

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