for ayah: 2 in 1

6/19/2012 09:06:00 AM


Assalamualaikum and salam uhkuwah,

So, recently before going back here, in CFS IIUM (sadly), me and my family celebrated father's day and birthday in advanced (well, his birthday will be on this Friday). We just had a dinner together with Along+wife+baby Arriq, Angah, Acap and my mum of course. We went to Secret Recipe, and finally I got the chance to eat Grilled Black Paper Chicken that I was craving for since months ago.

Before that, me and my brothers (Amir and Asyraf) spent our evening making cards with us family become chibi characters. It was err.. how should I say this. Laughable? Huhu~ I suddenly became a ninja, Angah became a zombie (dengan otak yang terkeluar), my adik became a rockstar (wait..Elvis? Puhaha~) and my Along became a football player, his son a super strong man (comellest) and his wife and my mum wearing this big kimono along with big hairs. Totally immersed in laughter, the whole day.

So, to my dad, who is so in love with Bonia just like my mum and like to joke around (especially when the time of me sulking, he said that he could hang a few clothes on my mouth = ='' ) and those days when I was so in much troubles with my own self, he gave me so many advises and help me to get through it. Who always picked me up from Seseri or CFS coz I was a spoiled child (jujur ni). And those days when I was a little child (super manja - sekarang, TAK sangat) and lots of things I couldn't state here.

Hope you always be blessed by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala~

the card that we made ^-^

Arriq-buah hati pengarang jantung. XD

"macam pernah nampak je atuk ni.." (says Arriq :P)

ayah and his beef steak. yum2~

mine! finally!

my brother.. 'little one'

Angah yang suka order air manis2 > <

ordered by my adek and angah

makan. makan. makan.

Arriq (making troll face..again) with his mum and my mum (his granny)

that's my Along

Right now, back in CFS IIUM. Things not going smoothly. Dugaan. It's okay. We'll try our best! T.T

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  1. aku pernah order yang adik kau makan tu >.< sebab ade cheese..hehe

  2. mahal > < haha.

    teringin nk mkn kat pak li. jom aimun :DD


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