Experience is the BEST!

4/27/2011 09:24:00 PM


Assalamualaikum dan salam ukhuwah buat semua.

Alhamdulillah, interview MARA dah beres. Even memang tak harap sangat sebab takut kecewa, but still the main point is to gain a valuable experience.

Arrived at Anggerik Mall, Shah Alam at 9.00 o'clock. I felt like there was a butterfly in my stomach. Spooky, scared and nerve-wrecking combined to be one! Only Allah knew what I really felt inside me.

Then, after stepping into one of the malls that I never actually go for shopping or other matter, I was wondering if I can meet anyone that I know. Sadly, NO. Maybe, I'm the earliest among Seserians. Then, I just stood at a corner along with my dad and my brother. Oh, forgot to mention my bro saje menyibuk nak ikut. hahaha. Anyway, thanks angah! really appreciate it.

About 9 something, I met Mizam accidentally. hehe~ So glad to meet my schoolmate there. Then, after queuing to get our number which I got C5-means panel C, quickly I went to the panel room. Okay, yang malunya, tersalah bilik mula2. Luckily, I realised it and ada sorang abang tu tunjukkan tempat yang betul. HEHE. Itulah. Cuak sangat.

So, I walked slowly and felt sudden nervous when I saw my other group members. At first, I was wondering if I should greet them. Then, after gathered all my strength, I started to ask around about their name and which school they came from. Fortunate for me, all of them were friendly and I also got to meet the admin of DONT (doctors of ninety three) group - Amanda Khalida. yeay me! jodoh panjang kan? hehe~ My other group members: Amy, Ami, Hafiz, Nik, Fatimah Azzahraa, and Farhan. Btw, nice to meet you guys! ^-^

Then, we were asked to build a spaghetti bridge. At first, we like acting so cool that I thought that we're going to make it. But then, after several minutes, we started to rush and sungguh carca marba. Cut here! Cut there! Tie this please! Thread! Thread! Oh, can you make another loops? another knots? And thanks to Mr. Hafiz for counting the time. 20 mins more guys! 10 mins! I told you we still have 5 mins! Lastly, the interviewer started to countdown and we were like okay2..dah nak siap! Ikat2! hahaha~ Lawak ah korang!

The panel were nice. They did gave us some advices. Oh, ya! our bridge was a SUCCESS! the sardine did not fall and also the bridge did not collapse! Btw, Mr. Nik. You said you're hungry right? Masak ah spaghetti tu..cicah sardin pon sedap apa..haha

Then, Q-A session started. Questions: All about the bridge. What actually we got from it..blablabla.. Bala..bala..haha. Oh, while waiting for my turn, I just smile all the time. Dah macam kerang busuk.huhu. Then, my turn finally came. when I say finally, I mean at last! I was the last one. So, they asked me about what kind of knowledge did we apply to build the bridge? Ya Allah, save me! Then, I started to talk. But quite unreasonable and not too relevant. I was not so satisfied with my answers but at least I have tried my best! And I also asked many questions! Curious, just wanted to know more. And I just knew that MARA only give study loan. Not SCHOLARSHIP. But it's okay. I just hope that if that's the best for me, may Allah gives it to me :)

What I've learnt today was remarkably memorable. eventhough, we just get to know about at least 1 hour *I think so.. still, we're like knowing each other already. If one of us get the study loan, then I'll be happy too..even if I am not selected. But, I'm surely HOPE for it, but not too much! LA takhaf, La tahzan, Innallaha ma'ana <3

p/s: To other candidates who still not finish your interview, just chillex! enjoy yourself as I did!
Speak out confidently even if you thought that your points are not relevant. But still, the interviewers nod their head when I was talking. Kira oklah tu.. :) Terima kasih kerana meng'interview' kami !

Alhamdulillah, He gave me another opportunity an I'll treasure this one :D

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  1. yayyy mimo u did it alhamdulillah! :DDD

  2. Aimun, hehe. alhamdulillah, just hoping to get it if it is the best for me :)
    nnt gtau result jpa eh dear. next week kluar kan? all the best, but if anything happens. dont be sad eh.


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