Redha: Satu kepastian yang tak pasti

4/13/2011 09:57:00 PM


Assalamualaikum dan salam ukhuwah :)

Rasa debar kian terasa. Melihat orang lain sudah dipanggil untuk interview dan macam2 lagi membuatkan saya tertanya2. Apa pula nasib saya?

14 April 2011:

Result interview MARA

Fuh..macam nak pecah je jantung ni berdegup laju sangat. Eh, ye ke? Tak adalah.. chill je. Redha. Tinggal mereka je yang nak shortlist kan nama. Kalau ada rezeki adalah.. Kalau tak ada, Allah beri satu lagi petunjuk buat saya. *Belajar dalam negara is much better than oversea.

Truthfully, I can't say I don't want to study in oversea.

Kalau orang tanya, "Nak sambung kat mana lepas ni?"
Serius tak suka soalan tu.. sorry, but it kinda hard for me to answer it. Since I was not that brilliantly talented or have that so-called brightly brain so, tak tahulah ada harapan ke tak.

Well, I have done some research upon medicine and what it actually mean.. And this what I've got.

Medicine is an art and science of healing.

I was like 'woahh..' ^,^

And besides, the fact that House, MD was not just fiction. It's true. Really do exist but rarely to find. I'm not talking about Gregory House. I'm talking about the diseases. I wonder if somehow I can be like House too? coolio~ okay,,tolak tepi perangai dia yang annoying tu :)

Despite the tense of waiting, which a word that I hate to use and to be, 'Waiting' is seriously killing me. "Makan dalam" betul..haha. In fact, I rather do something else than that. Okay, I start to crap. -,-'

So, I'll note you if I get that interview. Ouh, another thing. I dislike interview. Such tense situation, I always wanna get rid of it as soon as possible. But, well. Hardship is needed to be succeed. I can't say NO. People will start to think I'm crazy. Oh, well.. now, I just have to wait and wait and wait..which is not cool k..

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