The chosen ones

5/30/2013 02:41:00 PM


Assalamualaikum and salam ukhuwah to all :)

First of all, I'm on my holiday. Just 3 weeks, roughly. Not doing anything just like this is something that I've waited. hehe. So yeah.. I'm not doing anything specifically, because knowing that my break after this will be very very short compared to the others, I'm gonna use all my free hours in my home.

Have you ever think if we were born not as Muslims? Who are we and what will we do?
I couldn't imagine that. Living without knowing the ultimate purpose of life. Living without knowing the truth and beauty of Islam. I can't and I won't live without Islam.

Yet, alhamdulillah. This is our fate and we chose this path as Muslim long time ago before we even born. In what we call 'alam ruh'. We made a deal with Allah swt and He entrusted this dunya for us humans and especially Muslims to be the khulafa'.

So, why don't we act as we promised to Him? Why some of us still abandon their prayer behind and enjoy party more than ibadah? Why oh why?

Why so serious Aimi?

Dude, this is a matter of life and death. Of course I'm being serious. *emotion invade me. sorry~

Just give yourself sometime to reflect. What did I do in my past 20 years? Living and acting like the people of jannah or the opposite of that? Yes, you can enjoy a bit of your life, it's not that I'm telling to abandon this world totally, but the way you enjoy it should be according to the shar'i. Remember this please, o every heart that are most likely easy to forget - and this include me :(

We're the chosen ones, so act like one ! Boys, please behave like our previous warriors who have done so many things just for the sake of Allah even when they were still young. Girls, keep your virtue and dignity and don't just simply give your heart to anyone. We are Muslimah, and we have our own dignity to be upheld.

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