Sherlock Episode 4 Season 1?

1/31/2014 09:23:00 PM


Assalamualaikum wrh and greetings people.

So, role play done. After a long, tiresome journey...finally~ Huuuuuuuhh.. Finish! Yeay! Heck I don't want to do another one. But it was fun though. Some of them. Teehee.

We were given the task on prostho (it's about making a denture fyi). Just to think of what kind of play we should do, it's already took like almost a week. Did that. it's too cliche. it's too dull. boooriiing. Done that. What the? I don't get it. What kind of story is that? Complicated. Childish. (I exaggerated some things but it sort of happened like that).

Alhamdulillah, Allah gave us the ilham when we needed it the most and the story continued until the day of the competition.

So yeah. We did the Sherlock version (forgive me dear Sherlock's fans, I knew we won't be as good as Arthur Conan Doyle (was it?) but we did our very best though (so self applause) haha.

The story line?

Well, emm.. let's just say that it's just another murder (cliche right?) haha. Serial killer actually, because of jealousy, greed and ... I can't remember. But in the end, justice will always win. For Sherlock's fans I think they would know what I tried to say right now. and yeah...evil Moriarty was behind these murder cases all along. And the vulcanite denture was the murder's tool (?) yet Sherlock and Watson did manage to save the last victim. The end.

I told ya~ It's quite emm.. how to say. Oh well, our level of brain. What do you expect... (ã‚·_ _)ã‚·

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