A girl whose name is unknown

2/29/2016 10:56:00 PM

She stands there
Closing her eyes
Listening to the bristling leaves

It is calm
A serenity that she hopes for

But then again
The sky does what it does best
'It's gonna rain soon'
And like her heart
It starts to pound restlessly

She closes again her eyes
Praying for future
That she never sure of
She wants to be featured
In her own dream
But afraid that the dream
Will just remain as a dream

While clenching her fist
She keeps comforting herself
Telling her heart
Everything is just gonna be fine

Then she looks up at the sky again
She told herself this
It's okay not to be known on this earth
But hopefully
The heaven is talking about her
As God is looking upon her
So it's okay to remain
As a girl whose name is unknown.


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